
I am just an ordinary woman being used by God to bring EXTRAORDINARY results to His Kingdom. I am a wife of  24 years to the most amazing man alive! I absolutely marvel at the fact that God chose me to be his wife. He is my best friend and hero. We have been supernaturally blessed with 3 beautiful daughters that are my heart throb! I praise God that he has commissioned us to raise them to be Godly women that will one day be movers and shakers in the kingdom as well. Many days they already are!

Many years ago God led me through an amazing journey where he poured into me pages and pages of His Truth in His Word. I spent many years studying and learning and one day…the LIGHT CLICKED ON! I kept telling myself there was something much BIGGER that God was wanting me to figure out. It was the whole picture of how much He loves us! I would shake my head in amazement that God would love me this much. I gave everything I was to knowing Christ more.

In April 2002, I gave birth to our second little miracle, Carson. She was one we had prayed for, for 3 years. We had journeyed through many rounds of fertility treatments. God; however, knew that his timing was best. Meanwhile, he had been downloading all the previous truths in my heart.

Our oldest,Emilie-Grace, then 4 years old, was elated when her sister arrived! This was her prayer for many, many nights! “God, please give me a sister!”. The time had come for this sister to arrive. Life was such a blessing. We were all settling in to somewhat of a routine when two weeks later on May 13th 2002, life came to a dramatic halt. I was hospitalized for gall stones. Actually, a very large gall stone got blocked in my bile duct and backed up all the enzymes that are produced out of my pancreas. This could be compared to battery acid being released inside my entire abdominal cavity.  As you can imagine, my life was drastically altered.

I would then spend the next 49 days down in Shands Hospital in Gainesville, FL, where we say I walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. God had bigger things in store for me and my family. Namely this blog. To share those truths that I learned during those times but also all the places He has taken me to and through since then.

What Satan had meant for harm – God had meant for Good! I praise Jesus every day for the breath that I breathe – the miles that I now walk and the children and husband He has graced me to live my life with.

I pray that as I learn to write these thoughts out there in this sacred space that they will minister and give hope to someone else that God is a God of Miracles and Hope. He is the lifter of my soul and can be for you too.


  1. hey sweet friend! love reading your posts. if it’s ok with you, I’d like to share some on my facebook and twitter pages. i already put one on there (hope that’s ok) but i’m loving your stuff and i’m sure others would also. miss you and your sweet sister, and your three sweet girls!!!

  2. truly God’s love is for all, yet personalized.

    The gospel indeed will be preached to all corners of the world
    may your testimony be evident to all the world. amen!

    grace and peace

  3. Amy, my prayers will be going up for all you directed. And you are soooooo right. He is our Jehova Rapha! And so much more! Love you & may the Lord bless you, Shannon

  4. Amy, I have not seen you since I left Valdosta years ago. What a blessing your sweet words are.God for sure has bigger things in mind for you.. I am going to add your sweet family to our prayer list at church.. You all will continue to be in my prayers…
    Tamara Mccraney~Thorne

  5. Amy, Cyndi introduced me to your blog a while back and I have been blessed. I will continue to lift your family in my prayers .

  6. Hi Amy. My cousin sent me a link to your blog this morning. I live in Houston & wanted to reach out to you while you are here. Other than my prayers, please let me know if there is something I can do. -Julie

  7. Amy,

    Thank you for being so transparent. I read the blog daily and tears well in my eyes. I’m so thankful God placed you in Kevin’s life. How blessed Kevin is to have you uplifiting him daily and lifting him to the Father daily. I love you guys. I pray for God’s peace for both of you. As a dear friend once reminded me, “Life is tough, but God is good.” I’m thrilled to learn the cancer is not in the brain and that the tumor is already responding to treatment. Please pass along my best to Kevin. As I’ve requested prayer of friends here, I’ve described Kevin as “the brother I liked”:)

  8. Hi Amy…I love your blog! I met you at WOF Dallas and wanted to talk to you again about the She Speaks conference and to see if you had an opportunity to read the book I gave you. Would love to stay in contact!

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